Appliances Radiation

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Category: EMF/Radiation

Radiation Finder Introduction Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) have different properties and different ways of causing harmful biological effects. Some people become ill from many types of EMF sources, such as alarm clocks too close to their bed, sitting too close to a TV or computer, or using a cell phone. Reported symptoms are headaches, arm and leg tingling, dizziness, difficulty in concentrating, and even nausea. Although not proven, more serious problems might be caused by prolonged exposure to EMF. Most scientists agree that it is wise to protect ourselves from biological effects that are known to exist. Osun’s Radiation Finder is the first one on the market that uses Safe/Caution/Warning labels with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to indicate the radiation strength of high frequecny as well as low frequency electrical and electronic appliances. It is easy to use, and does not require a technical background. The Radiation Finder can be used to detect both low and high frequency EMF produced by appliances such as cell phones, microwave ovens, power lines, TVs, computers, electrical fans, AC alarm clocks, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, and washers and dryers. The list is...

Category: EMF/Radiation

Tri-axial magnetic field sensor True RMS measurement in uT or mG Autoranging function Max/Min, average and display hold functions Measurement range: 0 to 200 T (0 to 2000 mG) Frequency range: 40 Hz to 1 kHz Accuracy: ± 5%